Tel: 0161 928 9016 or 07510 278059

The Treatment
What is McTimoney Chiropractic?
The Mctimoney Method of chiropractic is a gentle and effective treatment for the whole body and is suitable for people of all ages from babies to the elderly and during pregnancy when there is added strains to the pelvis and spine. The treatment helps to keep the pelvis balanced and aligned which means we can function correctly.
This treatment can help:
Back pain and joint pain.
Shoulder, neck and arm pain with associated numbness and or pins and needles.
Neck pain from poor posture or awkward sitting/sleeping positions
Neck pain caused by tension in neck and shoulders
Neck stiffness and soreness
Jaw pain, tempero-mandibular joint dysfunction.
General aches, pains and stiffness that may be chronic or acute.
BPPV, Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, dizzyness and inner ear disturbances.
What to expect from your first treatment
The initial consultation and treatment usually takes about an hour. A full medical history is taken and the treatment is explained. The follow up treatment is generally 5 - 7 days later and takes about half an hour.
During the treatment the whole body is examined, joints are gently mobilised. Adjustments are made to re-align and balance the pelvis and the spine.
The adjustments to the spine are called toggle-torque-recoil and gently mobilise each vertebral segment. This is done by hand and is unique to the McTimoney Method.
Advice is given on posture and lifestyle, also stretching exercises and preventative measures. A lot of problems are often occupational, poor posture, sitting for hours at computers or driving. The stresses and strains of modern life take their toll on the body.
The number of treatments varies between individuals depending on how long you have had the problem. A recent injury versus a chronic problem. A chronic problem is more likely to take longer to resolve. Recovery also depends on following the after-care advice given during the consultation, improving posture and keeping up with exercises.
The origin of chiropractic
Chiropractic originated in 1895 in the Mid West of the USA. It was started by Daniel D. Palmer in Iowa and with his son, founded the Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa.
John McTimoney was trained by a Palmer College graduate. The late John McTimoney developed this very specialised technique of chiropractic treatment. He also was responsible for bringing chiropractic treatment to horses and dogs. The original McTimoney college was founded in Oxford and is now located in Abingdon, Oxfordshire.

Animal chiropractic
Animals also benefit from McTimoney Chiropractic treatment. The same principles are applied to our four legged friends. The treatment is comprehensive and works through the body mobilising joints and specialised adjustments to the spine. Usually, a crate is needed to stand on to adjust larger horses.
Dogs come to the clinic for treatment and horses are visited by the chiropractor. When your horse/pony is having treatment it is a good idea to have the fit of the saddle checked as horses change shape during different times of the year depending on the work they are doing and feed available.
Animals require their Veterinarian's permission prior to chiropractic treatment.